In Italian, 23.5x31 cm, 252 pages, 116 illustrations


ISBN - - -

Prezzo: € 90,00

La carta del Cantino
e la rappresentazione della Terra nei codici
e nei libri a stampa della Biblioteca Estense Univeristaria

Il Bulino, Modena 1991


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In Italian, 23.5x31 cm, 252 pages, 116 illustrations

The world map of Cantino and the representation of the Earth in the codices and printed books in the Biblioteca Estense Universitaria. This portoguese map of 1501-02, brought to the court of Ferrara by Ambassador Alberto Cantino, was the first planisphere in Italy to show the coast of America as discovered by Columbus. The book describes the world before 1492 and the development of cartography up to the beginning of the 18th century


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